viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014

Violence and Discrimination

Currently, violence and discrimination is something that has grown in society.  It is a very important issue, which must be given the highest possible priority to combat it. This is not a problem that occurs only in a particular country. It’s is a problem that occurs around the world. Unfortunately, many people suffer the consequences of this. I think any person never should suffer discrimination or violence by another person. All are equal and have the same rights to live in peace. The numbers show that six out of ten women worldwide are exposed to some form of violence within their lifetime. Violence could be physical, verbal, emotional, or financial.  Most of the crimes are committed by the women's spouse, boyfriend, or partner, someone women were involved with.

Many people  think that live in a safe neighborhood where all the neighbors gets along, but as the city begins to increase, violence increases too. Unlike the past, nowadays parents are afraid to let their children walk to school on the other side of the street. For example, in Unite States it's frightening to imagine that near of schools are common the shooting.  The gang violence increases, have become a concern in all countries and a priority for police.  Gangs of all kinds operate on neighborhoods. Some are so-called "territorial" gangs, whose members believe they have control of specific areas. Others are considered "nomadic", because operating in various places. This kind of people is who begins the violence in a tranquil city.

Also the world is going through a wave of discrimination that has grown the last years. In schools and business areas is where most of this problem is presented. In schools and business areas is where most of this problem is presented. In schools children are driven much by the physical appearance of the other to make bullying. Also gifted or intelligent children are psychologically beaten by others.  In business areas women are the most affected by discrimination. Many women have the same profession as another coworker who works the same hours and she was paid less than him. In many countries women are still unable to purchase their own property, vote or even wear what they want. In Africa there is still female genital mutilation. It's amazing that this is happening, although many women have asserted their rights.

Discrimination stifles opportunities, wasting human talent needed for economic progress. Racism is also a very touchy subject for some people. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns. Some people argue that talking about supporting racial discrimination and prejudice is just words and that free speech should allow such views to be aired without restriction. Also gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people experience discrimination. For example, a gay person may experience discrimination by being refused opportunities for promotion or denied access to public services. 

All we need to know that violence and discrimination lead to nothing productive. We all have the same rights to live in a world of peace and tranquility. The change of mentality of the other begins with us; we are who we have to lead by example. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

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