martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

The Role of Public Health Improvements in Health Advances-Magazine 3

In this article I’m going to talk about the public health innovations that have been of support to Health area to improve people's life. Mortality rates in the world fell more rapidly, specifically in United States during 19th and early 20th Centuries than any other period of the history. This decline coincided with an epidemiological transition and the mortality “penalty” associated with living in urban areas. There is little evidence and unresolved debate about what caused these improvements. It is believe that the causal is the influence of clean water technologies in filtration and chlorination on mortality in major cities during the early 20th Century.

 In these cases exogenous variation in the timing and location of technology adoption is used to identify these effects. Thanks to technology was found that clean water was responsible for nearly half of the total mortality reduction in major cities. We can see that the mortality rate due to technology is reduced. A simple good water management saves lives. This is only possible with the help of technology. Also, in the 20th Century, infectious diseases accounted for a big part of deaths in American cities. In 1900, waterborne diseases accounted for nearly one quarter of reported infectious disease deaths in major cities. In the next decades, waterborne disease mortality fell dramatically. The only disease killing more people at the turn of the century “tuberculosis” had already declined enormously by the time drugs to combat it were developed and distributed.

Without a doubt clean water technologies are likely the most important public health intervention of the 20th Century. The first municipal system water in the United States was built in Philadelphia at the 19th Century. Benjamin Latrobe completed the Philadelphia’s water system. He draw water primarily from the Schuylkill River with supplemental water from others rivers. Many large cities followed in Philadelphia’s footsteps. Early municipal water systems helped to prevent significant outbreaks of infectious diseases. During the 1880s, many cities expanded and built new garbage collection. So, after this creation many cities were benefited.

Other health improvements are the digital innovations. Makes possible for consumers to use portable devices to access their medical information and monitor their vital signs. For the first time we can be digitized. We can be continuously monitoring each heartbeat, moment-to-moment blood pressure, body temperature, oxygen concentration in the blood, glucose, brain waves and mood. All things that make us "tick". We now have the technology to digitize a human being in highest definition. In ways that most people thought would not be possible.

All these health improvements help the medical areas to combat the highest mortality rates. First with the creation of the good management of water, like good chlorination and filtration, that avoids the infectious diseases. Second the power to digitize humans. It is believe that is the most important health improvements. With these advances, Doctors can give an early diagnosis and save many lives. 

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014

Art MasterPieces

venus_de_milo_louvre1In modern usage refers to a creation that has been given much critical praise. Is considered the greatest work of a person's career. A work of outstanding creativity or skill. In modern English the word is the same, conventionally refers to the best piece of work of a particular creative artist. It has come to be used to refer to any work seen to be of high quality. I think is important to know about art. In fact people don’t give the great value to those masterpieces

Frankly, I’m not a follower of art, but I've heard talk of many paintings. I’m going to put here some important paintings in the world, the history and my opinion of each one. The first is The Aphrodite of Milos, better known as the Venus de Milo. Is an ancient Greek statue and indisputably the most famous works of ancient Greek sculpture. It is believed to depict Aphrodite the Greek goddess of love and beauty. It is a marble sculpture. It is thought to be the work of Alexandros of Antioch .It was earlier mistakenly attributed to the master sculptor Praxiteles. In my opinion it’s not my taste, I think that one’s dull. It doesn’t appeal to me.

count_of_orgazAnother important painter is Leonardo Da Vinci with his masterpiece “Mona Lisa”, also known as La Gioconda. Is a 16th century portrait painted in oil on a panel during the Italian Renaissance. Without a doubt is the most famous portrait. The work is owned by the French government and hangs in the Musee du Louvre in Paris. I’ve always admired his work. I’m a big fan of his stuff, because he knows how combine the colors and distribute the space. The lady with the Ermine is another good example, for me this painting is very tranquil. You really enjoy his work. Regarding to the painting called The Burial of the Count of Orgaz” is very abstract and disturbing for me. Have many things together. I’m not 100% certain, but I think that not is very recognized in the world. 

In this article I couldn’t forget “The Scream”. Well, everyone has heard of it or seen it. To be honest a naked eye I don't understand painting. Is an expressionist painting by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, depicting an agonised figure against a blood red sky. It is said by some to symbolise the human species scared by an attack of existential angst. The landscape in the background is Oslofjord. Now, I’m going to talk about “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”. It’s one of my favorites. Unquestionably is Georges Seurats most famous work.
sunday_afternoon_seuratSeurat spent two years painting it, focusing scrupulously on the landscape of the park. He would go and sit in the park and make numerous sketches of the various figures in order to perfect their form. For me this painting is really striking. I love to see all families enjoy the afternoon tranquility, really catch my attention. The art is really beautiful and for me relaxing to see each paintings. Many people thinks that is boring, but we need to give the attention and support to the art.

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Unreal Past

    1. You regret the fact that you plastic surgery and it went wrong
-If only I’d had money to pay a Doctor.
-Yes I told you that he wasn’t a good choice
-I wish I had returned time and change my choice
-If you want, I can lend you money for the next surgery

    2. Someone you like asked you to go dancing, but you can’t dance.
-If I only I had taken classes
-I’m planning to go the next week
-I could go with you. It’s high time that I learn how to dance
-Ok, see you there.

    3. Your best friend wants to smoke in your house and you don’t want to her to.
-I wish you didn’t smoke in my house, because are children here.
-Ok, I’m going to smoke outside
-I would rather that you stop smoking
-Yes, I’m work on that

4. Your spouse has been unemployed for 18 months
-It’s high time that you looked a new job
-Yes, I’m going to take your advice
-I wish you find it, because I need help with the financial costs
-Don’t worry, tomorrow I will get it.

 5. You were born 100 years ago
 -If only I didn’t get older
-But, you wouldn’t have wrinkles
-I would rather stay in my 15´s
-Yes I wish the same, but you can’t throwback time
6It’s really late. You want your friend to go home, but she wants to stay.
-It’s high time that you got home
-Yes I know. But I want to enjoy more this night
-I suppose you stayed at home at 10pm
-Take it easy!

     7. Sitting on a plane, the person behind you keeps kicking your seet.
-It’s high time that you stopped kicking my seat
-Sorry, I didn’t realize
-Ok I wish that you enjoy the travel
-Thanks, you too.

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014

Violence and Discrimination

Currently, violence and discrimination is something that has grown in society.  It is a very important issue, which must be given the highest possible priority to combat it. This is not a problem that occurs only in a particular country. It’s is a problem that occurs around the world. Unfortunately, many people suffer the consequences of this. I think any person never should suffer discrimination or violence by another person. All are equal and have the same rights to live in peace. The numbers show that six out of ten women worldwide are exposed to some form of violence within their lifetime. Violence could be physical, verbal, emotional, or financial.  Most of the crimes are committed by the women's spouse, boyfriend, or partner, someone women were involved with.

Many people  think that live in a safe neighborhood where all the neighbors gets along, but as the city begins to increase, violence increases too. Unlike the past, nowadays parents are afraid to let their children walk to school on the other side of the street. For example, in Unite States it's frightening to imagine that near of schools are common the shooting.  The gang violence increases, have become a concern in all countries and a priority for police.  Gangs of all kinds operate on neighborhoods. Some are so-called "territorial" gangs, whose members believe they have control of specific areas. Others are considered "nomadic", because operating in various places. This kind of people is who begins the violence in a tranquil city.

Also the world is going through a wave of discrimination that has grown the last years. In schools and business areas is where most of this problem is presented. In schools and business areas is where most of this problem is presented. In schools children are driven much by the physical appearance of the other to make bullying. Also gifted or intelligent children are psychologically beaten by others.  In business areas women are the most affected by discrimination. Many women have the same profession as another coworker who works the same hours and she was paid less than him. In many countries women are still unable to purchase their own property, vote or even wear what they want. In Africa there is still female genital mutilation. It's amazing that this is happening, although many women have asserted their rights.

Discrimination stifles opportunities, wasting human talent needed for economic progress. Racism is also a very touchy subject for some people. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns. Some people argue that talking about supporting racial discrimination and prejudice is just words and that free speech should allow such views to be aired without restriction. Also gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people experience discrimination. For example, a gay person may experience discrimination by being refused opportunities for promotion or denied access to public services. 

All we need to know that violence and discrimination lead to nothing productive. We all have the same rights to live in a world of peace and tranquility. The change of mentality of the other begins with us; we are who we have to lead by example. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

domingo, 20 de julio de 2014

Different places difficult to visit

Around the world there are beautiful places to visit, but have a little problem: difficult path. For example; United States, Europe, even Southeast Asia.  All are very different but have one thing in common. The tourist trail.  Even though all destinations vary culturally, as long as tourists go with an open mind, travel in these areas is relatively easy. If you want to challenge your inner travel self and go to a region a little more exotic, a little more challenging, and away outside your comfort zone. Such as the Middle East, northern Africa, Russia, and China could be spectacular places with amazing landscape.

If you prefer a cold weather, you could visit the vibrant ice hotels. For example, Arctic Resort Kakslauttanen, Finland. There you can stay in a warm igloo with a glass roof so you watch the Aurora from your bed. Kakslauttanen is about 250 km north of the Arctic Circle, which might seem a bit out of the way, but it's only 30 minutes from main town. The hotel also organizes activities such as snowmobile safaris, husky sledding and outings to see the Lights. The Ice Hotels are considered one of the most tourist site of the world in any period year.

I've been waiting all my life this trip. Is one of my dreams. Many people feel scared to sleep there, but for me would be an amazing experience. I had been looking the idea to convince my parents to travel there, but they think that it is dangerous, so when I get a job and earns money my priority will be traveling to this hotel.

Kakslauttanen Ice Igloos Finland photo by Kaklsauttanen Arctic Resort

sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Green Costa Rica

It is said that Costa Rica is a beautiful place to visit. People who have been here prove it. Tropical zone of American continent, where Costa Rica is located, contain greater diversity of species and ecosystems. Costa Rica is considered to be one of the 20 countries with greatest biodiversity in the world.  While much of Costa Rica has been stripped of its forests, the country has managed to protect a large proportion of its land than any other country in the world. Amazing flora and fauna attract a lot of tourist.
Long time ago, Costa Rica had a growing acknowledgment that something unique was disappearing. For this reason, Costa Rica formed a national park system that has worldwide admiration. The institution charged with the task of administering Costa Rica’s biodiversity is the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE). Throughout the country representative sections of all the major habitats and ecosystems are protected for future generations. The active participations of the communities surrounding the protected wild land areas are very important. Also we need to teach children to take care our natural resources.
The National Conservation Areas System (SINAC) protects more than 186 areas, 32 national parks and many wildlife refuges. Costa Rica has a very comprehensive legal framework for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. All this things are appealing to tourists. It is said thatthe 90%p of all visitors goes to Manuel Antonio because has beautiful beaches. Irazú is another place that tourists like to visit. In Irazú volcano on a clear day you can see the Caribbean and the Pacific sea.

In Costa Rica you can enjoy beautiful views. Besides, providing Costa Ricans and foreign travelers the privilege of admire and study the wonders of nature. Studies have been conducted to provide both basic and applied information on the country’s biological riches. The studies are prepared by numerous public and private institutions. National Parks also protect the soil and watersheds. Costa Rica resources have enormous potential. The government use diversity with economic purposes to help the country’s development.
Definitely Costa Rica has beautiful places to visit. It is known as "SuizaCentroamericana" by its great diversity.Beautiful sceneries and friendly people attract millions of tourists. We are responsible of take care the nature.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Someone I admire. Nick Vujicic

I really admire Nick Vujicic. He is Australian. He was born without arms and legs. The thing that strikes you about him is that he’s a successful person and self-sufficient, does all things like a normal person and helps his wife with house chores. He writes with her mouth. . He’s married and has a beautiful son. Also has his own organization “Life without limbs”.

Nick’s mother didn´t knew about his disability, on ultrasound he was like a normal person, until was born. That new was so surprising for her and doctors. He has been to be think-skinned, lots of people criticize his appearance. He said that in school, his classmates laughed at him. Always was alone. When he was a young, was a little stand-offish. He didn’t speak with anybody for fear of being rejected.  What I really like about him is his perseverance, he never give up and tries to leads a normal life.

He’s so kind-hearted, with his own organization help other people to get ahead. Is a motivational speaker and is very career-oriented. He goes around the world with his testimony, in order to help people with disabilities. During high school, Nick was elected captain of Runcorn State High School in Queensland and worked with the student council on fundraising events for local charities and disability campaigns. He now is such a diamond, wherever he goes shines with his life story. Tries to show the life very easy. 
 We should have that motivation that Nick has. Often complain about things that are not worth it.