sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Unreal Past

    1. You regret the fact that you plastic surgery and it went wrong
-If only I’d had money to pay a Doctor.
-Yes I told you that he wasn’t a good choice
-I wish I had returned time and change my choice
-If you want, I can lend you money for the next surgery

    2. Someone you like asked you to go dancing, but you can’t dance.
-If I only I had taken classes
-I’m planning to go the next week
-I could go with you. It’s high time that I learn how to dance
-Ok, see you there.

    3. Your best friend wants to smoke in your house and you don’t want to her to.
-I wish you didn’t smoke in my house, because are children here.
-Ok, I’m going to smoke outside
-I would rather that you stop smoking
-Yes, I’m work on that

4. Your spouse has been unemployed for 18 months
-It’s high time that you looked a new job
-Yes, I’m going to take your advice
-I wish you find it, because I need help with the financial costs
-Don’t worry, tomorrow I will get it.

 5. You were born 100 years ago
 -If only I didn’t get older
-But, you wouldn’t have wrinkles
-I would rather stay in my 15´s
-Yes I wish the same, but you can’t throwback time
6It’s really late. You want your friend to go home, but she wants to stay.
-It’s high time that you got home
-Yes I know. But I want to enjoy more this night
-I suppose you stayed at home at 10pm
-Take it easy!

     7. Sitting on a plane, the person behind you keeps kicking your seet.
-It’s high time that you stopped kicking my seat
-Sorry, I didn’t realize
-Ok I wish that you enjoy the travel
-Thanks, you too.

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